Don't Let Deadline Stress Get You Down!
"Crunch-time" at work can
be the cause of deadline stress. An overwhelming workload and a very
limited amount of time in which to complete the job can lead to
feelings of anxiety and tension. Visit our Workplace
page for
more details and eye-opening statistics on the negative effects of
stress in the workplace.
Workplace Wellness Massage offers help by
providing on site chair massage. A quick neck and shoulder massage may
be all you need to clear your head and get back on track. When time is
of the essence, we provide fast and convenient stress
relief by coming right to your workplace (office,
school, bank, advertising agency, call center, trading floor,
newspaper/magazine etc.).
have shown that
chair massage:
- relieves fatigue
- decreases anxiety
- improves problem solving and creativity
Many professions experience periods when time is
at a premium. Job stress and anxiety can build up very quickly when
working under time pressure.
For example:
According to an article in the 'Lectric Law Library' one of the leading
complaints of lawyers is that long hours are required, frequently spent
in an urgent state of activity. Symptoms
of stress become inevitable due to packed schedules, pressured
production and ruthless deadlines.
Teachers reports
that often, teachers are exhausted from lack of sleep and overwork due
to high stakes exams, demanding administrators, and challenging
students. In addition, teachers have to deal with the seasonal
of getting report cards ready before the deadline. Dr. Margaret Kemeny,
professor in psychiatry at the University of California notes, "Teachers
want to keep giving until they reach 'compassion exhaustion'".
Bankers and Brokers
Whether it's Bankers,
Brokers/Traders or Accountants, their professional decisions have
financial consequences. For a broker or trader the stress of deadlines
is a daily occurrence. Bankers and Accountants face the deadlines of
RRSP season and tax preparation.
Stay alert and focused, even with a looming
deadline. Contact
for an appointment and let us help you get through your hectic work
75% to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints.
Up to 80% of on-the-job accidents are stress related. 40% of job turnover is due to stress. - American Institute of Stress
Employees who must take time off work because of stress, anxiety, or a related disorder will be off the job for about 20 days. - Bureau of Labour Statistics
A study conducted by the International Journal of Neuroscience showed that 15 minute chair massage sessions, provided twice per week over a period of five weeks resulted in: Increased relaxation, alertness, and speed and accuracy on math computations. Lower levels of anxiety, depression and job stress.
A Perceptual and Motor Skills study resulted in significant reduction in participants' systolic and diastolic blood pressure after receiving on-site chair massage